Pablo Tomek (born in 1988 in Paris) presents his solo exhibition COMDEMNED at WINDOWS68; in Berlin. Tomek analyzes dynamics coming from our moving and ever changing cities. Cities being constructed, always unfinished and progressed by workers, the artist uses urban materials and the visual aesthetics coming from constructing sights or urban sculptural phenomena and thereby confronts entities with his own poetic intimacy. By carefully scrutinizing and seemingly collecting deeds and gestures from the last obviously displayed movements of hard working people and by adding colors, pigments and his own artistic aura, Tomek creates pieces radiating fragility, movement and an inherent force which comes from the base of our society. With different pigments, the construction of a wall becomes a concrete pretext to sublimate the banality, to magnify the plasticity of a mortar on cinder block blocks. In doing so, Tomek conserves a joyful spontaneity and poetic innocence wich he complects with the urban banal reality we passe by in our everyday routines. Some sort of duality is also displayed in his terry cloth canvases which oscillate between meudon white surfaces and divers painterly gestures – as if one would see the organic of the artificial. The artist reveals pooled forces that could be understood as poetical narratives revealing primal energies of our contemporary society.